SolarPower Summit 2025

CurrENT will be attending the upcoming the SolarPower Summit 2025 the 26-27 of March. The summit is a great opportunity to bring together technology providers of some of the innovative solar technologies that will be critical in helping Europe to implement flexibility solutions, alongside electrification, to ensure a swift energy transition and strengthen Europe’s competitiveness. Are […]
Power Transmission and Distribution Technology Expo

CurrENT will be attending the upcoming Power Transmission & Distribution Technology Expo in September. The expo is a great opportunity to bring together technology providers of some of the innovative grid technologies that will be critical in helping Europe to achieve its decarbonisation and competitiveness ambitions. CurrENT will be speaking on the technology stand during […]
Enlit 2025

CurrENT is looking forward to attending Enlit 2025, taking place in Bilbao, Spain. Enlit acts as a great focal point for policy makers, technology providers, network regulators, and grid operators to get together to showcase the ways Europe is using transmission and distribution energy systems to decarbonise its energy systems. Stay tuned for more information […]
CIRED 2025 – 28th Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution

CurrENT is looking forward to attending the international conference on Electricity Distribution, CIRED 2025, taking place in Geneva, Switzerland. CIRED offers a great opportunity to learn about the latest innovation, research, results, applications, and ideas in electricity distribution. Are you heading to CIRED? Reach out to our secretariat to schedule a meeting!
Conclusions | ENTSO-E’s Grid Enhancing Technologies webinar

The Energy Transition cannot be achieved simply by building new infrastructure; unlocking the full potential of the existing infrastructure is also a key component. Together with currENT (Susanne Nies (Smart Wires), Rena Kuwahata (Ampacimon), John Fitzgerald (SuperNode)) and other industry leaders, ENTSO-E discussed innovative technologies that enhance the capacity of the power grid, thus opening […]
Grid Innovation: Dynamic Line Rating (DLR), Ancillary Services, Grid Integration & Enhancement Technologies 2024

CurrENT’s is delighted to our Secretary General, Layla Sawyer, speaking at the upcoming Grid Innovation: Dynamic Line Rating (DLR), Ancillary Services, Grid Integration & Enhancement Technologies 2024 Featuring 24 expert speakers and exclusive one-on-one interaction sessions for personalized engagement with industry leaders.CurrENT and it’s members are proud to support the event: 🔥 Why you should attend:
Conclusion | Innovative Grid Technologies for sustainable energy security in Ukraine and Beyond

CurrENT partnered with Green Deal Ukraїna and Renewables Grid Initiative to host an hour and a half online webinar to discuss the role that Innovative Grid Technologies (IGTs) can play in securing the energy supply in Ukraine over the coming winters. In their recent paper, Green Deal Ukraїna outlined six options to boost power grid […]
Study Launched: CurrENT and Compass Lexecon, supported by Breakthrough Energy ‘Prospects for Innovative Power Grid Technologies’

On 19 June, CurrENT formally launched our study with Compass Lexecon, supported by Breakthrough Energy, ‘Prospects for Innovative Power Grid Technologies’. A first of its kind study at a European level, ‘Prospects for Innovative Grid Technologies’, looking at the potential impact of that deploying innovative grid technologies can have in helping Europe achieve its decarbonisation goals. […]
Conclusions | From innovation to mainstream: how to deploy innovative grid technologies at the distribution level? – Online Workshop

On 16 May CurrENT hosted a two-hour online workshop discussing the issues facing deployment of innovative grid technologies at the DSO level and solutions to alleviate them. CurrENT recognises that introduction of new technologies can pose a challenge to DSOs, especially at the pace that is currently being demanded due to decarbonisaton goals. CurrENT recently […]
Conclusions | A Grid to Decarbonise Europe

CurrENT, the European association of innovative grid companies, presented the results of new research from KU Leuven and the University of Strathclyde, on the feasibility and value proposition for a European overlay DC grid. Supernode presented a technology agnostic analysis of an optimal decarbonised European grid. The results were discussed in relation to the EU […]