Press Release – Grid Enhancing Technologies largely disregarded in implementing the 70% market requirement on interconnector capacity


9 June – According to a new report launched by currENT today, Grid Enhancing Technologies (GETs) are largely disregarded in the implementation of the 70% requirement. currENT has analysed the Action Plans of several Member States, as a pars pro toto. The full GETs toolbox can help TSOs reach the 70% target, while also increasing the overall capacity of the grid and reducing the overall cost for citizens.  

To increase the efficiency of the European internal electricity market, Member States have agreed that at least 70% of electricity interconnector capacity should be made available for cross-zonal trading. This would both ensure a competitive European electricity market, in which consumers get the best possible deal, increase security of supply, and enhance the integration of renewable sources. Those objectives enable consumers to benefit from sustainable and competitive energy, while operational security is safeguarded through the 30% of the capacity set aside for operational purposes and uncontrollable flows.  
currENT believes that it is paramount to implement the 70% in line with article 15 of the Electricity Regulation with no delay, making use of all options: new technologies, reinforcement and building more grids. “GETs can contribute to achieving the 70% target, to lower system costs and higher security of supply. Yet, despite this they are hardly mentioned in the Action Plans, as our analysis has shown,” says Layla Sawyer, Secretary General of currENT.  

Renewables are key to reducing import dependency and fulfilling climate targets. This has been reconfirmed by the REPowerEU plan that was released on May 18, 2022.  At the same time, renewables require powerful electricity grids to be developed hand in hand. Since time is of the essence, and massive investments are needed, making use of all available solutions is crucial. This is also particularly important now, as customers are already burdened by unusually high energy prices and Europe needs to do everything in its power to keep the energy transition affordable. 

Grid enhancing technologies (GETs) are key to achieving Net Zero. GETs are tools such as Dynamic Line Rating, Power Flow Control devices, software solutions, and superconducting cables, all of which make the grid function more efficiently. Using GETs, the existing grid can transport more energy, react faster, and adapt to new circumstances. In most cases, introducing GETs is not an alternative to needed network expansion or reinforcement, but is complementary. The advantage is that they can be deployed much more quickly than other solutions and deliver results faster. 

“This is why currENT calls on TSOs and Member States to include GETs in their plans to reach the 70% target. We need clear incentives for TSOs to trial new solutions, transparently share their efforts in this respect, including the pan-European learning from these trials.”