Conclusions | Cybersecurity, Digitalisation and the Electricity Grid in Europe

On 26th February, currENT hosted the fourth webinar in its Accelerating the Energy Transition series, building on the first three webinars on ‘Optimised Power Grids for a Clean and Green Future‘, ‘The Role that Direct Current (DC) Grids Can Play‘, and ‘Dynamic Line Ratings for an optimised grid’.
This webinar focused on digitalisation and cybersecurity, including:
- Benefits of accelerating digitalisation for the grid of the future
- How cybersecurity can be an enabler of the energy transition
- System operators’ perspective on digitalisation for the grid of the future
- Latest developments on cybersecurity policy and adoption of could technology.
Highlights included:
Robert Mork, Vice President at Heimdall Power, introduced the webinar and led a question and answer session at its conclusion talking about the tensions between the opportunities of digitalisation versus the challenges of cybersecurity.
Bas Kruimer, Business Director Intelligent Networks & Communication, DNV-GL Netherlands Energy Advisory, talked about how increasing levels of renewables integration and digitalisation has created new opportunities and challenges for the grid, and an overview of how we keep it secure.
DNV-GL Netherlands Energy Advisory, talked about how increasing levels of renewables integration and digitalisation has created new opportunities and challenges for the grid, and an overview of how we keep it secure.
Konstantinos Moulinos, Energy Cybersecurity Expert, European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), talked about the regulatory framework in Europe (including the NISD review, ECI Directive and drafting a new cybersecurity network code), as well as some key outstanding challenges that ENISA believes need to be addressed.
Anjos Nijk, Managing Director, European Network for Cybersecurity (ENCS), discussed some of the challenges of keeping the grid secure and ENCS´s efforts to address them at the policy, architecture, and operations levels.
Andrea Foschini, Convener Cybersecurity Network Code at ENTSO-E, described issues in the drafting of the new European network codes for cybersecurity, including the five pillars and high-level objectives which will be addressed.
Mario Jardim, Chair of T&D Europe Cybersecurity Task Force and Power Systems Cybersecurity Leader at Schneider Electric, shared what Europe´s grid technology providers have been contributing to address cybersecurity issues, including a focus on a long-term holistic system view, interoperability across decentralized energy systems, international standards, and the recognition of certification.
John Cullinane, formerly Chief Information Officer and Board Member, WGL Holdings, described his experience from the perspective of a utility security officer and CIO as to closed, open, and hybrid architecture systems.
Rick Cutter, Co-founder and Managing Director, Cloud for Utilities, discussed the cybersecurity implications of the increasing use of cloud computing options by utilities and survey data showing how utilities are responding.
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