Conclusions | Dynamic Line Ratings for Optimised Grids

On 14th January, currENT hosted the third webinar in its Accelerating the Energy Transition series, building on the first two webinars on ‘Optimised Power Grids for a Clean and Green Future‘, and ‘The Role that Direct Current (DC) Grids Can Play‘
This webinar focused on the applications of Dynamic Line Rating and its benefits to create a more optimised and resilient grid.
Power line monitoring is an integral part of the future grid. It helps with RE integration and market facilitation by increasing grid capacity. By visualizing system/component limits, we can also operate our system more safely under changing climatic conditions.
Highlights included:
Alex Houghtaling, Vice President at LineVision, introduced the webinar and asked panelists about the barriers to the uptake of DLR, the target level of DLR in transmission systems, the business case for DLR, and examples of regulatory incentives that support DLR implementation.
Uroš Salobir, ENTSO-E, discussed the need for a shift in the mindset in the control room that tends to overcomplicate the issue, and the need for the industry to be more open to adopting DLR on European networks.
Mathieu Fontaine, Project Manager of DLR at RTE described how the use of Dynamic Line Rating has provided an additional 50% wind power connection capacity in some areas in France.
Balint Nemeth, Head of High Voltage Laboratory at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, described the benefits of DLR to increase cross-border capacity, lower energy prices, higher social welfare, and much less redispatching inside the country, using the FARCROSS project as an example.
Janko Kosmač, Head of process system department from ELES, explained that DLR must be integrated in the SCADA/EMS because it is a very important operator’s tool.
Victor Le Maire, from Belgian Transmission Grid National Control Centre, presented the financial benefits of leveraging DLR for reducing network congestion by avoiding redispatching, especially international redispatching which can result in ½ million EUR saving in one day; thus you can quickly find your investment back.
- Frederic Vassort, Board Vice-Chair of currENT and CEO of Ampacimon discussed the high technology maturity of DLR, which is evidenced by the increasing number of public tenders we have seen over the last 2-4 years.
Georgios Papaefthymiou, Senior Expert Power System Development and Operation at 50hertz/EGI, presented the German NORE principal which prioritises grid optimisation like DLR before expansion. DLR can highlight risk when static ratings don’t guarantee safety.
The next webinar in our series will focus on cybersecurity of power system. More details will be published shortly.