Conclusions | Spain’s Power Network towards a Zero Emissions future Webinar

On the 18th of November 2021, 13.00-14.30 CET, currENT and Olivo Energy hosted a webinar to discuss the challenges for achieving Spain’s ambitious energy targets and the possible innovative solutions that can accelerate progress towards zero emissions by 2050. Over 140 participants registered for the discussion on the day.
By 2030 Spain aims to generate 74% of its electricity through renewables; at least 42% of the total energy mix should be renewables, up from about 20% today. Electricity generation will almost double by 2030 and electrification is progressing very fast, which means that the use of fossil fuels will have to decrease at the same fast pace.[1] This means that the transmission grid operated by Red Eléctrica de España will play a central role and today’s network must be adapted as system needs change over time. The National Energy and Climate Plan that Spain has submitted refers to the use of new technologies: What is the chosen approach by Red Eléctrica de España? What is the benefit of deploying these technologies? What do the European Green Deal and the revised TEN-E Regulation mean for Spain, and how can new technologies help?
After an introduction by currENT chair Susanne Nies, Concha Sanchéz delivered a keynote on ‘The Redelectrica Strategy until 2026 and 2030 for achieving the Green Deal: new network needs, reinforcements and the potential of innovation.’
Leading representatives from Red Eléctrica de España, Comillas University, the European Commission, ENTSO-E and global technology companies were invited to give their perspectives, followed by a Q&A moderated by Alicia Carrasco from olivoENERGY:
Ricardo Renedo Williams shared insights on the revision of the TEN-E and the role of power networks and technologies. Andrés Ramos Galán presented detailed models for transmission expansion planning in and beyond Spain. Norela Constantinescu described ENTSO-E’s measures to make innovative technology visible through the Technopedia. Mario Patiño presented the industry’s perspective, grid optimisation technology and success stories from the US, UK, Colombia. Dinc Memis outlined the benefits of dynamic line rating across Europe through Ampacimon’s perspective.
Susanne Nies
Board Chair, currENT and General Manager for Germany, Smart Wires
Concha Sanchéz
Manager of System Development Area, Red Eléctrica de España
Ricardo Renedo Williams
Policy Officer, European Commission Directorate-General for Energy
Andrés Ramos Galán
Director of Institute for Research in Technology, Comillas Pontifical University
Norela Constantinescu
Head of Section Innovation, ENTSO-E and vice-chair, ETIP SNET
Mario Patiño
Customer Solutions Manager, Smart Wires
Dinc Memis
Global Sales Director, Ampacimon
Alicia Carasco
CEO, olivoENERGY and Executive Director, Entra Agregación y Flexibilidad
[1] Data from National Energy and Climate Plan, Spain, es_final_necp_main_en.pdf (