Conclusions | Nordics webinar

Date: 13.05.2022

On the 7th of June 2022, currENT discussed the challenges and opportunities in managing the Green Transition in the Nordic Region, and how innovative solutions can contribute to this by increasing the available grid capacity and using it as efficiently as possible. 
Leading representatives from ACER, Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate, Fingrid, Caruna and THEMA Consulting presented their views, followed by a Q&A moderated by currENT.

Seeking a quicker, cheaper and more secure Green Energy Transition in the Nordics: How can Innovative Grid Technologies contribute?

The energy transition brings challenges and opportunities to the Nordic region. Our sources of electricity are shifting away from fossil fuels and towards cleaner ones. At the same time, more and more consumption in industry, households and transport is being electrified. Nordic power supplies are becoming fully renewable, but the development also challenges our grids, creating significant congestion, huge price disparities and increasing operational challenges. The grid was built for a very different energy landscape, and building new grids takes too long and is too costly and unpopular to be viewed as the only way forward.

In this webinar, we examine how innovative grid technologies and new regulatory approaches can contribute to a quicker, cheaper, and more secure green energy transition in the Nordic Region, so that we can cost-effectively meet the demand for more grid capacity and renewable energy without compromising security of supply. 



Jan Kostevc, ACER, Team Leader Energy Infrastructure

Caroline Törnqvist, Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate, Director, Department for Market Surveillance and International Affairs

Asta Sihvonen-Punkka Fingrid, Executive Vice-President Markets 

Lasse Konttinen, Caruna, Head of Strategy and Innovation

Robert Seguin, THEMA Consulting Group, Senior Consultant 

Layla Sawyer, currENT, Secretary General 

Moderated by Vivi Mathiesen, Vice President International Regulatory Affairs, Heimdall Power