Conclusions | Webinar Superconductors for Power Transmission: Beyond the age of copper

Date: 26.06.2022
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On 7 July 2022, 13.30-15.00 currENT hosted an event to discuss the exciting opportunities that superconductivity offers in revolutionising how Europe connects its renewable generation to the grid. This webinar will introduce the incredible technology that is superconducting cable systems for electricity transmission. 

Leading representatives from the superconductor industry, research as well as ENTSO-E and the European Commission presented their views, followed by a Q&A moderated by currENT.

The complete webinar recordings, including presentation, are available below. 

Layla Sawyer, Secretary General of currENT,  introduced and moderated the webinar.

Eoin Hodge, Chief Engineer at Supernode, explained why we need new types of cable technology as the dynamics and requirements of our energy system changes, and how superconductors save on space, materials, cost and are more efficient for long range, bulk power transmission. 

Mathias Noe, Professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, explained applications of superconductors in the power system, such as fault current limitors.

Mike Ross, Managing Director of amsc, presented the REG project in Chicago, and all the benefits it is already providing at the distribution level, with a special focus on the increased reliability.

Dag Willen, Principle R&D Engineer at NKT, presented the Superlink project in Munich, which shows the real-world viability of superconductor cables for transmission voltage levels.

Norela Constantinescu, Head of Innovation Section at ENTSO-E, presented how Superconductos will be considered as a gamechanger in their upcoming Vision, and what TSOs need in order to incorporate this technology and build an offshore Supergrid. 

Mario Dionisio. Policy Officer at DG ENER, presented on the various channels through which the Commission supports innovation, and why the business-as-usual grid planning and development cannot cope any longer with many aspects of the energy transition.