Brattle Report: Unlocking the Queue with Grid Enhancing Technologies

On February 24 2021, the Working for Advanced Transmission Technologies (WATT) Coalition released a new analysis titled Unlocking the Queue from The Brattle Group, quantifying the benefits of three Grid-Enhancing Technologies (GETs). The study’s sophisticated model demonstrates that dynamic line ratings, advanced power flow control and topology optimization could enable Kansas and Oklahoma to integrate 5,200 MW of wind and solar generation currently in interconnection queues by 2025, more than double the development possible without the technologies.
“We can double the amount of renewable energy on the existing grid right now just by utilising grid enhancing technologies like our dynamic line rating tech” – @WATTCoalition
On a national scale, the results of the study suggest that GETs could deliver:
- Carbon emissions cuts equal to taking 20 million cars off the road (90 million tons per year)
- $5 billion in yearly energy cost savings, with upfront investment paid back in just 6 months
- 330,000 local construction jobs, and 20,000 high-paying operations jobs
- Double the amount of renewables that can be integrated prior to building large scale transmission lines
currENT works in collaboration with WATT Coalition on trans-Atlantic energy topics, and will explore what this Unlocking the Queue report means for Europe through a joint webinar on 1 June 2021 (register here) and further discussion with key European stakeholders.
Download the full report, a summary, or watch a recording of the release event.

About the WATT Coalition:
The Working for Advanced Transmission Technologies (WATT) Coalition advocates for policy that supports wide deployment of Grid Enhancing
Technologies (GETs) to accelerate the clean energy transition and lower energy costs. Dynamic Line Ratings determine the true, real-time capacity of power lines. Advanced Power Flow Control allows operators to reroute power to lines with available capacity. Advanced Topology Control identifies the best grid reconfigurations to reroute power around bottlenecks. In operations, these technologies reduce congestion costs and
improve economic dispatch, situational awareness and reliability. In planning, they reduce the time, cost and complexity of integrating new generation and load. WATT members include Ampacimon, LineVision, Lindsey Systems, NewGrid, Smart Wires, and WindSim Americas Inc. Learn about unlocking more value from the grid at