CurrENT publication on deploying innovative grid technologies at the distribution level 

250131 - CurrENT Recommendations for the deployment of DSO Projects - Second Edition - FINAL -1_page-00011

Brussels, 03 February 2025 – CurrENT, the voice of innovative grid technologies in Europe, has expanded the scope of technologies included in their ‘Recommendations for the deployment of DSO projects’ to add sections on High Temperature Superconductors (HTS), network optimization, how  innovative grid technologies can work together on the grid, as well as adding more detail and case studies to the existing technologies from the first edition. The ‘handbook’, designed to empower grid operators at the distribution level, provides recommendations to DSOs and National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) on how innovative grid technologies can be used to improve grid optimization and efficiency at the distribution level.  

Mark Norton, Chair CurrENT’s of DSO working group, “Building on the success and positive feedback from the first edition, the updates provide further depth to the recommendations. The new section on a joint application of technologies is a timely addition and highlights the need for a mixed deployment of innovative grid technologies across Europe’s grids, where a mixture of technologies together can be deployed to address targeted system needs and further increase overall network capacity.”  

In a time when Europe’s competitiveness hinges on the rapid modernization and optimization of its distribution grids, Distribution System Operators (DSOs) are critical actors in ensuring that Europe remains on track to achieve its ambitious decarbonization goals. The ‘handbook’ highlights how the range of commercially mature innovative grid technologies can empower DSOs to deal with uncertainty surrounding grid development and help facilitate Europe’s energy transition through the mass uptake of renewables. As energy demand grows and becomes more decentralized, DSOs have a unique opportunity to act as key enablers of a sustainable future. 

Eurelectric’s Grids for Speed report highlighted the need for €67 billion in annual investment required for grid development from 2025 to 2050. As was stated in the report, this annual investment can be brought down to €55 billion per year by making efficient investments. CurrENT’s recommendations to deploy innovative grid technologies at DSO level are an important part to bringing that cost down and increasing DSO capabilities quickly. This is also backed up by a previous report by Compass Lexecon and CurrENT which showed that the deployment of Innovative Grid Technologies could save on conventional expansion costs of up to €700 billion by 20401. “DSOs are the key to the radical transition of Europe’s energy system” says Layla Sawyer, Secretary General of CurrENT Europe, “by sharing knowledge and empowering DSOs with the right tools, we can unleash the full potential of Europe’s grid.”  

CurrENT Europe invites DSOs, regulators, policymakers, and industry stakeholders to explore the full report and collaborate on implementing its recommendations. Download the full report here: CurrENT Recommends for the deployment of DSO projects