Consultation on the Federal Development Plan of the Belgian Transmission system

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currENT is the industry association representing innovative grid technology companies operating in Europe. currENT aims to generate greater awareness of new grid enhancing technologies and to accelerate their implementation. We do so by working with the wider stakeholder ecosystem on future-proofing regulatory and policy frameworks.  

We believe that renewable generation and energy efficiency are the ‘first order’ solution for taking the Green Deal ambition and the Climate Law from promise to practice. Renewable-based electricity solutions can meet by 2050 more than 70% of our total energy needs. As to making the ‘can do’ a ‘will do’ we need powerful climate proof ´clean´ power grids,  which are already possible today.  

Detailed comments on the Belgian federal development plan:

  1. Innovative grid technologies are ready for wide-scale use in Belgium
  2. The NOVA principle is to be integrated in the Belgian grid planning
  3. Innovative new grid solutions must be added to the network planning toolbox
  4. Rapidly deployable solutions enable delivery of projects and renewables integration
  5. Complementary solutions optimise use of the existing grid

Click here to read the full consultation.