Feedback to the proposed revision of the NIS Directive

currENT has submitted a response to the EC’s proposed revision of the NIS Directive. The Commission recently emphasized the transformative potential of the present Digital Decade as critical in transitioning to a climate neutral, circular and resilient economy.
Safe and reliable electric service has long been understood to be a fundamental underpinning of modern society. Customers and regulators alike have a high degree of expectation that utilities will “keep the lights on,” and utilities have long taken seriously the need to ensure operational security. In order to reap the benefits of digitalisation, it is therefore essential to ensure that cybersecurity risk in networks is managed effectively and does not become a roadblock to digital energy.
currENT welcomes the new proposal ́s efforts to provide for better and more consistent cybersecurity resilience, joint situational awareness, and incident reporting and response across Member States and industry sectors. currENT therefore supports approaches which seek to streamline and harmonise cross-border security requirements, and which attempt to avoid creating excessive regional differences or creating silo-type approaches to incident response and data sharing.
Read the full submission here.