Response to ACER Consultation on the EU DSO entity

The EU DSO entity must enable greater sharing of expertise between member DSOs, and support strong cooperation between TSOs and DSOs across Europe. The Statutes can support the EU DSO entity to achieve this by:
- Facilitating strong alignment with ENTSO-E and other European agencies
- Involving a high level of transparency in its strategy and core activities
- Supporting higher uptake of innovative solutions by DSOs
- Enabling better sharing of learnings between DSOs, TSOs, and the wider industry
- Prioritising the optimisation of existing networks as a first step to increase network capacity
- Ensuring that the decision-making process is fair and proportional
- Ensuring consistency between its tasks and European energy policy, namely the Green Deal
Read more about our views on the statutory Documents of the EU DSO entity in our response to the ACER consultation.