Conclusions | The Role That Direct Current (DC) Grids Can Play

Date: 14.12.2020

On 8th December, currENT hosted the second webinar in its Accelerating the Energy Transition, building on the first webinar on ‘Optimised Power Grids for a Clean and Green Future’

This webinar focused on the role that Direct Current (DC) grids can play in delivering on the European Green Deal, and ultimately decarbonisation by 2050.

Highlights included:

  • Europe has set ambitious goals for its offshore resource and needs to start planning for their integration now.
  • Decarbonisation requires harmonisation of national standards and regulations to encourage cooperation.
  • The technologies needed are proven; Europe needs a meshed DC grid embeded into the existing AC grid to achieve its goals.
  • Network innovation is no longer an optional extra; business as usual will not deliver a decarbonised electricity system; systemic change in how we adopt innovation is needed.


Full Recording


Also don’t forget to register for the third webinar in our series, which will focus on how Dynamic Line Rating optimise the grid and accelerate the integration of renewables. More details and registration link here