Conclusions | Smartening our energy grids at the 3rd PCI Energy Days

Date: 20.09.2022
PCI energy days

On 19/20 September 2022, currENT participated in the 3rd edition of the PCI Energy Days, a policy conference dedicated to the practical implementation of the Projects of Common Interest. Layla Sawyer, Secretary General of currENT, was invited to contribute to the panel discussion on ‘Smartening our energy grids’.

During the panel, currENT Europe highlighted the following issues:

  • Innovative grid technologies can help Europe deliver on its increasingly ambitious decarbonisation goals. A study by consentec shows that combining different innovative grid technologies could reduce 90% of congestion-related redispatch costs and avoid 3TWh of of renewables curtailment in 2030.
  • The Energy Efficiency First Principle is key. In the short-term we need to get through the next winters and make the most out of our existing grid. In the long-term, we need to plan for an efficient pan-European grid in 2050, and work our way back from there.
  • The value of Innovative grid technologies need to be properly reflected in the PCI process. The cost-benefit analysis needs to better reflect the likelihood and the cost of delay, and recognize the value of projects that can deliver in the next 1-2 years. More flexibility in the PCI process and solution-oriented approaches would further help us harness the benefits of innovative grid technologies.

currENT Europe’s Secretary General Layla, Sawyer participated in the panel along with Uroš Salobir, Director of the strategic innovation department, ELES; Manolo Serrano Matoses, Head of Projects, Technology and Innovation, Grupo ETRA; Livia Stan, Director Corporate Affairs, Delgaz Grid; Naomi Chevillard, Head of Regulatory Affairs, SolarPower Europe; Rolf Riemenschneider, Head of Sector, Internet of Things, Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT); and Vincent Berruto, Head of Innovation, Research, Digitalisation, Competitiveness, Directorate Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Efficiency and Innovation plan (DG ENER).

See the video below to watch the full session on ‘Smartening our Grids’ video below: