Conclusion | Innovative Grid Technologies for sustainable energy security in Ukraine and Beyond

Date: 21.10.2024
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CurrENT partnered with Green Deal Ukraїna and Renewables Grid Initiative to host an hour and a half online webinar to discuss the role that Innovative Grid Technologies (IGTs) can play in securing the energy supply in Ukraine over the coming winters. In their recent paper, Green Deal Ukraїna outlined six options to boost power grid transfers from continental Europe to Ukraine for the next two winters. The energy crisis in Ukraine urges practical steps to foster stronger electricity links between Ukraine and its Western neighbours. Ensuring the availability of much higher imports from the EU as fast as possible can provide essential support to Ukraine as it faces the severe consequences of Russian attacks on the energy system, among other areas of action to reduce the power deficit.  

The webinar hosted representatives from energy companies developing IGTs with a high TRL which can deployed rapidly, energy industry experts, and the European Commission. The event will provide an opportunity to discuss both immediate and long-term measures for securing Ukraine’s power supply through innovative technologies and cross-border cooperation. 


Yolanda Garcia Mezquita, Head of Unit at the Energy Platform Task Force from the European Commission, started off the webinar noting the key role that electricity grids will play in helping Ukraine to achieve its energy ambitions, both in the short term and near, underscoring the fact that there is “No transition without transmission”.

Layla Sawyer, Secretary General of CurrENT Europe, and Andrzej Ceglarz, PhD, Director of Energy Systems at the Renewables Grid Initiative, gave the perspective from associations before Susanne Nies, Project Lead from Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and Green Deal Ukraїna presented the paper ‘Six Options to Boost Energy Security in Ukraine over the next two Winters’.

Alex Houghtaling, Senior Vice President at LineVision, and Brian Berry, Chief Product Officer at Ampacimon, presented use case for Dynamic Line Rating. Romain Coullette, Sales Director at Epsilon Composite, presented the use case for Advaned Conductors. Mark Norton, Vice President of European Business Development at Smart Wires Inc. presented use case for Advanced Power Flow Control. All the technology case studies presented showed direct application in Ukraine and are available to be deployed quickly.

The session finished with a Q&A Session with the audience with the audience allowing participants to ask the experts specific questions.