Open Letter to ENTSO-E on the forthcoming Vision: Integrate more Renewables Now to achieve Net Zero in 2050

currENT congratulates ENTSO-E for its visionary ambition. This ambition was reflected already in the 2015 Vision on the Energy Union, in the 2030 Vision delivered in late 2021, and now again in the project for an updated Vision, that will be delivered on 10-12 October 2022 for broader stakeholder exchanges.
Such a Vision is even more important in the current context of a simultaneous gas-, oil- and power crisis, while the ambition for reaching Net Zero by 2050 is not only kept, but rightly accelerated. There is a need to act fast. ENTSO-E as an authoritative leader has already shown, through the successful synchronization of Ukraine, that it is capable of adapting fast and delivering results.
While ENTSO-E has announced that it will discuss its Vision with stakeholders after publication in October, currENT would like to share already now five key points that we believe are crucial. Below are the five key elements we would like to see incorporated into the Vision:
1 Efficiency builds public acceptance for investments
2 Customer and consumer voices, transparency and stakeholder interaction build strength
3 Milestones and deliverables make the Vision relevant
4 Technopedia can be a reference for solutions for NRAs
5 Time, speed, and enabling regulations are required to reach Net Zero