Response to EU Action Plan on Digitalising the Energy Sector

currENT and DGI have joined forces on the European Commission’s action plan to build a solid framework to guide energy sectors’ digitalisation.
Both associations encourage European policy makers to take a leading role to leverage the economic, societal and sustainability potential of digitalisation in the energy sector. This potential remains unrealised today. Digitalisation of the energy sector is essential to future-proofing Europe’s energy and climate frameworks. Digital solutions are a powerful toolbox for efficient energy systems and, in particular, efficient management of the grid infrastructure. Future-proof infrastructure is the condition for achieving Europe’s climate targets. Without digitalisation, the energy and climate agenda as set in the Green Deal will fail. currENT and DGI welcome the European Commission initiative, and we are grateful for the opportunity to share our perspectives and recommendations on this roadmap initiative.
In the joint consultation response, currENT and DGI state why digitalising the energy infrastructure is central to digitalising the energy system; how digital technologies contribute; that speed matters; and the urgency to provide a pan-European assessment on the value of digitalisation in the energy sector. Additionally, we offer five recommendations and conditions for the uptake of digitalisation and digital technologies in the energy sector.
The complete response can be accessed here.