TYNDP 2022 Consultation Response

currENT welcomes the publication of the TYNDP2022 and commends ENTSO-E on this comprehensive set of documents and ambitious plans for how electricity infrastructure can contribute to Europe’s decarbonisation goals. currENT responded to the recent consultation on the TYNDP2022, proposing that the following points are taken into account:
- Faster scale up of infrastructure and all kinds of solutions will be needed to deliver on Net Zero in 2050.
- The CBA methodology needs to further involve in order to meet the requirements set out in the TEN-E regulation and better reflect the benefits of rapidly deployable solutions and the cost of delays.
- Truly meshed DC overlay grids need to be introduced in the implementation guideline for offshore hybrid interconnectors.
- currENT welcomes the debate on governance models for deploying pan-European offshore grids, and recommends the future TYNDP include a section on governance.