TYNDP Consultation Responses

TYNDP Consultation Responses
February 2021
currENT welcomes the publication of the TYNDP2020 and the TYNDP2022 Scenarios and supports this transparent approach to planning the major European projects in the coming years. currENT commends ENTSO-E on this comprehensive set of documents and ambitious plans for how electricity infrastructure can contribute to Europe’s energy transition and create growth and jobs.
CurrENT responded to the recent consultation on the TYNDP2020, proposing that the following points are taken into account:
- Greater recognition of the full range of cost-effective solutions that can provide additional capacity, and support optimizing the use of the existing grid.
- Continued evolution of the CBA methodology to ensure it fairly reflects the value of all possible grid solutions, particularly those solutions that can be rapidly deployed and provide ‘bridge’ solutions.
- Increased sharing of learnings and best practices across Europe, particularly following the successful pilots of newer technologies.
CurrENT also responded to the TYNDP2022 consultation, highlighting the need for the scenarios to reflect the required developments in electrification, renewable energy sources, and offshore grids in order to achieve decarbonisation by 2050. By using scenarios that fully align with the European and national targets, we can ensure that the necessary infrastructure and solutions are implemented in a timely manner to achieve these targets.