Open Letters & Statements
- Joint Statement on Smart Grid Indicators with T&D, ESMIG, and SmartEn
- Joint Statement on the Clean Transition Dialogue with T&D and Europacable
- Letter to Ambassadors on the Net-Zero Industry Act ahead of COREPER meeting on 6 October The meaning of net-zero and how to get it right
- Joint reaction to the EP ITRE report on the Net-Zero Industry Act: Keeping the NZIA focused on Clean tech manufacturing in the EU
- Trilogue priorities for future-proof investments in the electricity grid
- Rapid implementation of the Digitalisation in Energy Action Plan will be needed to deliver on Fit for 55 and REPowerEU
- Open Letter to ENTSO-E on the forthcoming Vision: Integrate more Renewables Now to achieve Net Zero in 2050
- Letter of Support for TSO Incentives for Grid Optimisation Technologies