Conclusions | A Grid to Decarbonise Europe

Date: 16.02.2024
A Grid to Decarbonise Europe (2)

CurrENT, the European association of innovative grid companies, presented the results of new research from KU Leuven and the University of Strathclyde, on the feasibility and value proposition for a European overlay DC grid. Supernode presented a technology agnostic analysis of an optimal decarbonised European grid. The results were discussed in relation to the EU Action Plan for Grids and ENTSO-E’s recently launched Offshore Network Development Plans – all vital elements for achieving a decarbonised European energy system.

When: 6th of March 2024, 9:30am   Where: Brussels L42 Business Centre & Workshop Space, Online

The Speakers at the event spoke about a variety of topics relating to decarbonising Europe’s grid:

  • John Fitzgerald, CEO SuperNode – Presented the grid challenge and a technology agnostic model of a decarbonised European Network.
  • Professor Dirk Van Hertem, KU Leuven – Overview of the current technologies that are available, and whether current technology can deliver decarbonisation. 
  • Professor Lie Xu, University of Strathclyde – Study demonstrating the first ever feasible approach to a continental-scale meshed DC overlay grid. 
  • Eoin Hodge, Chief Engineer, SuperNode – Discussed next generation superconducting cables and the ways in which they can fill the grid technology gap.                
  • Antje Orths, Chief Engineer Energinet, and Core Group Convenor ENTSO-E – Presented ENTSO-E’s first ever Offshore Network Development Plans for 2024.                              
  • Eric Lecomte, DG ENER – Presented the EU Action Plan for grids. 

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